Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 03, 2017 at 12:35:07 AM
Achievement Unlocked - Foiled Cards!
WHOA! Way to go guys, you've successfully unlocked the foiling of the cards. This is huge!
Some of you have been asking what the heck foil even is, and why you should care about it as a stretch goal. Foiling the cards gives them a metallic, holographic, or pearlescent luster to them, adding shine the likes of which you've never dreamed of. We'll be putting a lot of thought into how this will be done (and input is welcome!). We want to be careful in how we do it, since too much can be gaudy, but being able to foil the cards means they're going to go from gorgeous to glorious.
Here's an example (pulled at random from Google) of what foiling can do.
The setup fees can be colossal for foiling cards, so it's an excellent stretch goal, since we have to do separate artwork just for the foil layers, in addition to the printing cost itself.
Holographic Charizard will have nothing on these cards once we're done with them.
Now that we've hit out $75k stretch goal, the final prize awaits - we are well on track to breaking $100,000 for this project! With more than half of the campaign still ahead, this will be a deck to remember. Please remember to share, to re-post, to signal boost whenever and wherever you can, and together let's pierce the heavens!